Drink Water to Gain Muscle Weight Fast

Even though most people know that they should drink “plenty” of water every day, few people follow it. 

In fact, most people don’t even know how much is “plenty.”. 

If you want to gain muscle weight fast, it’s a priority for you to remain hydrated. 

The second most important element for life is water, after oxygen. 

The human body cannot survive for even a few days without water, while it can go for weeks without food. 

Our brains are made up of 85 percent water, while the rest of our body is made of 80 percent of it. 

But how will this help you to gain muscle weight fast? 

Well, water makes up 70 percent of the lean muscle mass in our bodies. 

To get the most out of your workouts and gain muscle weight fast, you need water; in fact, you need a lot of it. 

You may not realise it, but your body loses water everyday. 

For instance, sweating makes you lose 16 ounces of water, and you lose another 16 ounces when you exhale. 

You need another 48 ounces of water for the proper functioning of your intestines and kidneys. 

That means you need 80 ounces, or about 10 cups, of water, just to survive. 

Your body’s need for water increases with intense exercise. 

If you’re trying to gain muscle weight fast, it’s imperative that you ensure your body is always fully hydrated. 

According to studies, a drop of only three to four percent of the body’s water levels leads to a 10 to 20 percent reduction in muscle contractions. 

The crux of muscle building is moving the maximum weight for the most repetitions possible. 

To gain muscle weight fast, you have to drink a lot of water, especially before working out, to make sure that the 70 percent water content in your muscles is maintained. 

Water will also help to prevent injuries during your workouts. 

Extra stress is put on your connective tissues and joins when you train at high intensities over long periods of time. 

Water helps prevent injures by cushioning and lubricating your joints. This will enable you to gain muscle weight fast, and will decrease the risk of injury in the process. 

The digestive process also cannot work without water. 

To gain muscle weight fast, protein should be the mainstay of any diet. 

It cannot, however, be directly absorbed by the body’s cells. 

Before the cells can use it to help you gain muscle weight fast, protein needs to be broken down into its component amino acid. 

Your body needs water in order to do so. 

Through perspiration, water keeps your skin moist, and helps to regulate body temperature. 

This becomes all the more important when you’re trying to gain muscle weight fast by performing intense exercise. 

Water also helps you to cleanse your body of unwanted waste products through sweat, expired air, feces, and urine. 

Here’s a secret for you: water helps you burn fat too. 

So when you want to gain muscle weight fast and get ripped, its paramount to ensure that you get enough water. 

Eight to ten glasses of water every day is what we’ve all been told to drink. 

Is this sufficient, especially when your goal is to gain muscle weight fast? 

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