You need to consume specific nutrients at specific intervals throughout the day in order to build muscle.
The food you eat should contain a fair quantity high quality protein, natural/unrefined carbohydrates, and a small amount of healthy fat.
Foods that provide a mixture of quality proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in the right ratios are the best foods for muscle building.
You may already know this: proteins are the best foods for muscle building.
You need to eat quality protein at each meal, and healthy sources such as fish, lean cuts of meat, low-fat dairy, and protein powders are good choices.
Boneless, skinless turkey or chicken breasts are also good foods for muscles building.
Protein is an essential part of any bodybuilder’s diet because it directly contributes to the building of muscle fibers.
A diet that is low in protein will seriously impede your muscle gains.
You should consume a diet that contains 30 to 40 percent of protein, depending on how much muscle you want to build.
Carbohydrates help to trigger an insulin response, and this response puts nutrients into cells resulting in excellent cell growth; thus, carbohydrates are also one of the important foods for muscle building.
Carbohydrates also add four calories per gram to your diet.
Essential vitamins and minerals are also contained in many carbohydrates.
Starchy vegetables (such as baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yams); whole grains; oatmeal; and fresh fruit are some good sources of carbohydrates.
Highly processed sources of carbohydrates like doughnuts, white bread, and other baked goods provide only empty calories and are high in trans-fats (a type fat which is extremely unhealthy for you); thus, it’s best to stay away from these.
You may not believe this but fat should also be a part of a healthy bodybuilding diet; they are also necessary foods for muscle building.
The healthiest fats are those that contain a high number of essential fatty acids; these fatty acids are those that cannot be manufactured by the body and must be taken from the food we eat.
Linolenic acid and alpha linoleic acid, also known as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, respectively, are two of the most common essential fatty acids.
They are usually founds in oily fish like salmon and in fats from some vegetables.
Consuming a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil twice a day is one way to get the essential fatty acids you need.
They are high in essential fatty acids, making them good foods for muscle building.
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