Eat Before Bed for Quick Muscle Gains

Don’t believe all the myths and false information on muscle building; your muscle building strategy should be based on pure science if you want quick muscle gains. 

Did you know that one of the worst things that you can do when you are looking for quick muscle gains is to go to bed on an empty stomach. 

While you are asleep, your body and muscles are busy recovering from your workout and the day’s activities, so it is critical that you supply your body with nutrition to aid this process. 

When you go to bed on an empty stomach, you will not be able to see any quick muscle gains because your muscles will not get the nutrition that they need. 

Take a moment to dwell on this. 

You should sleep for at least eight hours, and when you do so, on an empty stomach, you force your body to starve for this entire period. 

In order to achieve quick muscle gains, you have to stop this forced period of starvation. 

I’m not asking you to stuff your face with a five-course meal before going to bed. 

Doing so will only result in poor sleep and indigestion. You just need to eat a small snack half an hour before you hit the sack; this snack will provide your muscles with all the nutrition that they need. 

This will help to keep your body in an anabolic state for as long as possible and enable you to achieve quick muscle gains even while you are asleep. 

With pre-bedtime nutrition, your goal is to provide your body with all the necessary nutrients that can be released gradually while you are asleep to promote quick muscle gains. 

Keeping your body in this anabolic state for a couple of hours every night helps to ensure that less muscle is broken down, promoting quick muscle gains. 

The ideal pre-bedtime snack should contain fats, amino acids, and carbohydrates for easy recovery; it should also be “timed-release.”. 

This means that the meal should be made up of some unsaturated fats and slow release carbs and proteins. 

One of the best sources of protein is whey protein (25-35 grams) mixed in 400-500 ml of milk. 

Casein, present in the milk, will slow down the release of all the nutrients, including whey protein. 

The entire process of digestion will take about four hours, and you will be able to sustain quick muscle gains through the process of anabolic growth during this period. 

You can also consume a solid protein such as cottage cheese, which is high in glutamine and casein. 

Consuming a small portion of a slow release complex sugar before you go to bed is also a good idea. 

This could be in the form of a small container of yogurt, a small bowl of oatmeal, or a slice of whole grain bread. 

These will be gradually released into your system, and they will keep your body’s stores of glycogen up for as long as possible by regulating your blood sugar levels. 

By adding some fat to your pre-bedtime snack, you naturally slow down the digestive process. 

This is precisely what you want out of your digestive system while you are asleep. 

By consuming olive oil and flaxseed oil (in tablespoon quantities), you can ensure that the process of digestion is slowed down and your body experiences quick muscle gains by remaining in an anabolic state for longer. 

Consuming all natural peanut butter is another good option for obtaining a dose of healthy fat before you hit the sack. 

If you use glutamine supplements for quick muscle gains, this is a good time to take them. 

Just mix one or two teaspoons into your protein shake. 

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